Tuesday, August 24, 2010

III. Back-channel

It is different from the above mentioned phenomena which are problems in conversation; back-channel is used to make conversation smoother because it has the ability to minimize gaps and overlaps. While the speaker is talking, the listener does not remain silent, but rather provides verbal and non-verbal response without the intention to take the turn (Pöhacker, 15.Feb.2010). Back-channel is used by the listener to give signals that show that the messages are delivered. It is important because it indicates that the listener pays attention to the speaker and still in the conversation. There two kinds of back-channel; it can be verbal like " Right", "cool", "great" and "really. It can be also verbal but not lexical such as "um", "Oh", "ah", and "mm". The other kind is the non-verbal like laughing, crying and shouting.


  1. in my thesis I also analyze this part of turn taking system and I feel your post is great. keep struggle buddy.
